Eco Nature was delighted to attend this year’s PG Live 2023

The exhibition took part over 2 days at London’s Business Design Centre, with over 200 greeting card publishers and allied businesses showcasing thousands of brand-spanking new designs and ranges.

We showcased a variety of our Eco Nature card ranges including family captions, special birthdays, and occasions as well as new seasonal ranges!

Our cards aim to inspire both purchasers and recipients to appreciate the world around us. Inside, many of the cards include additional messaging such as interesting facts about the environment and the animals we share this world with or tips of what to look out for on a relaxing walk in nature. Some of our cards make suggestions on how time spent outdoors in nature can support wellbeing.

We were so excited to share these with the show’s visitors, also highlighting the sustainable credentials. Eco Nature is the only UK celebrations brand that offers the below credentials for its entire product range. Proudly made in the UK, Always plastic free,  Made from recycled materials, Fully recyclable product & packaging, Working towards being carbon neutral in collaboration with the Woodland Trust

We were thrilled to display our branded feature flower wall created by our very own design team created from Eco Nature cards, gift bags, and wrapping paper. It was a showstopper and a popular attraction!

For more information, please visit